We will make poverty history - President Jammeh

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
On his recent trip to Taiwan, the President Alhaji Dr Yahya Jammeh said that The Gambia has, during the past thirteen years, embarked on an ambitious socio-economic drive to modernize the country.

The President emphasized that his government’s aim, following the example of Taiwan, is to raise the living standards of the Gambian people through the eradication of poverty, disease and illiteracy. Here is President Jammeh’s statement at a high level gathering which was attended by the President of Taiwan.

"Mr. President

We in the Gambia have embarked, over the past thirteen years, on an ambitious socio-economic drive to modernize our country and raise the living standards of my people, through the eradication of poverty, disease and illiteracy.  Today, we have achieved an impressive track record of sustained high growth rate by steering very successful economic reforms.  We are a preferred investment destination attracting investors from Africa and internationally.  The Republic of China on Taiwan is an integral part of this success story.

Your Excellency

I would like to take advantage of this happy occasion once more to confirm that we consider Taiwan as a vitally important and strategic partner in our national development.  We are therefore determined to work with you, Mr. President, to further consolidate and strengthen our bilateral cooperation covering many priority development areas including Agriculture, Education, Energy, Health, Trade and Investment and Capacity Building.  As we are determined to move out of poverty and build a developed and prosperous country, we seek to emulate and learn from the expertise and experience of the Taiwanese people. We are inspired by your country that started less than fifty years ago with a per capita income of about US$250.00"

President Jammeh’s speech was highly applauded by the gathering in an atmosphere of respect and appreciation for the hard-working President Jammeh’s government and the deep cooperation between the two countries.

Author: by Ebrima JT Kujabi