Lamin Cham, a Police Detective at the Major Crime Unit of The Gambia Police Force Yesterday, told the treason trial that he is a truthful witness, and that he did not swear to the Holy Quran only to tell untold stories.
Appearing before Justice Avril Annin Yeboah of the High Court, during cross examination by Lamin Camara, Defence Counsel for Alieu Jobe, Omar Faal Keita and Hon. Demba Dem, in a mini trial into the voluntary and cautionary statements obtained from Tamsir Jassey, Omar Faal Keita and Demba Dem in the ongoing treason trial, Detective Cham told the court that no statement has been obtained from Omar Faal Keita and Demba Dem at the Banjul Police Headquarters in connection with the alleged foiled coup.
He admitted that voluntary statements from the suspects were obtained by police officers at the State Central Prisons when Major Crime Unit was moved there.
According to him, he did not know where the accused persons were, but met them at the State Central Prisons. He added that Omar Faal Keita and Demba Dem were brought to the panel from Mile Two.
At that Juncture, the case was adjourned to March 21 for continuation.