Taiwanese Cultural Troupe Storms Banjul

Saturday, May 26, 2007

The bilateral ties between The Gambia and Taiwan enjoyed another boost yesterday when a thirteen-member delegation from the aboriginal tribes in Taiwan stormed Banjul to grace the 42nd  birthday celebration of the Gambian leader, Dr. Alhaji Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh.

The delegation is expected to stage at least three different shows during their stay in the country. In fact this evening the Taiwanese troupe is poised to sell Taiwan in the best ambassadorial sense by staging eye-opening performances. On Saturday May 26th the group would have their second show and finally on May 29th they would perform at Miss black USA Beauty Pageant.

The delegation is here on the invitation of His Excellency President Jammeh and shall return on May 31st 2007.

Author: By Alieu Jamanka
Source: The Point