St Augustine’s ex-students form new alumni association

Monday, May 28, 2007

The ex-students of St Augustine’s Senior Secondary School, also known as Saints, have decided to set up an alumni association among other things to support educational activities and projects at the school.

A press release from the school yesterday revealed that, efforts at creating the alumni association are being coordinated by an interim committee headed by the school’s principal, Mr. Martin Gomez and several ex-students. It further stated that the association is currently based at St Augustine’s Senior Secondary School with a full-time personal assistant who works under the principal to register new members and manage the association’s activities.

“All ex-students of St Augustine’s High or Senior Secondary School are eligible for membership. The interim coordinating committee has opened accounts at Trust Bank Limited (11011066901) and Guaranty Trust Bank (202151770110) to receive donations and membership fees. The alumni association also has a link on the school website at the release concluded.


Author: Written by Lamin Njie
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper