Observer News Editor off to Nigeria

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Ousman Darboe, a News Editor at the Daily Observer Newspaper, will leave Banjul on Saturday for Lagos, Nigeria, where he will take part in a week-long course on economic and financial analysis, slated from June 18th to 22nd.

The programme which is orgarnised by the West African Institute for Financial and Economic Management (WAIFEM) will enable journalists in the sub-region to broaden their skills and knowledge on how to report and analyse on economic and financial issues in their daily work.

Speaking to this reporter, Mr. Darboe said WAIFEM needs to be commended for this initiative, which is meant to equip journalists on how to effectively carry out their duties.
 He said the training will also enable journalists from various countries to meet and exchange ideas on various aspects in the profession.


Author: Written by Hatab Fadera
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper