Casamance Nine Trial Continues

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The trial of the nine suspects believed to be members of the MFDC rebel movement in the southern Senegalese region of Casamance continued on Thursday at the Banjul Magistrates’ Court.

Responding to questions posed by the state prosecutor, the 8th accused, Abdou Salam Jammeh, confirmed that he appeared before the panel set up to investigate their matter. “I was forced to give my statement and I do not know the date on which my statement was obtained,” he replied. As to whether he complained to the independent witness that he was forced to make the statement, he replied that the independent witness was present at the time his statement was being obtained.

Responding to further questions, the 8th accused said he could not recall the date he was taken to the Serious Crimes Unit. On whether detective Sanyang threatened him while obtaining his statement, he replied in the negative. He adduced that he was educated to university level and that he could read and write in English, adding that he became a member of the MFDC rebel movement since 1985.

Abdou Salam Jammeh replied that he was not questioned at the NIA about the subvention they allegedly received from the Senegalese government. He also told the court that he was questioned of the Gambian documents he possessed, adding that he was shown a laptop and a computer diskette purported to have been recovered from his colleagues. He said he did not co-operate with the panel and that he was forced to make statements, adding that he made two statements at the NIA and one statement at the Serious Crimes Unit. He maintained that all what he said in court was the truth and that he is not a Gambian.
Hearing continues on 2nd January 2008.

Author: By Modou Sanyang & Bakary Samateh
Source: The Point