NkoSi Sikelele Africa

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

God bless Africa

The two brother Presidents stood at attention on the tarmac at Banjul International Airport as the Gambia Police Band played the stirring revolutionary Nkosi Si Kelele Africa - God Bless Africa.

The national Anthem of a half a dozen African countries, including Zambia, Tanzania and Zimbabwe, Nkosi Si Kelele was also the Anthem of the ANC and was played at the funerals of the African Martyrs of the Anti-Apartheid struggle, in total defiance of the nuclear-armed racist white state that brutalised 20 million Africans until 1994 when Nelson Mandela took over.

“It is a pleasing day to be with you, my brother President of The Gambia”, said President Munawasa of Zambia at the pre-flight press conference.

My message to Gambians is that they are 43 years old and they have come a long way. Live in peace and unity instead of quarelling”, said the President Munawasa. If we leave in peace and unity we can achieve development.

We are also working to establish trade between our two countries. We are working on the modalities of a Trade and Co-operation Agreement. My brother President was president before me and he has not visited Zambia. So I invite him to visit Zambia”, concluded President Munawasa.

Later in the day, President Jammeh also saw off President Peres of Cape Verde, a living heroic revolutionary icon to rival the likes of Che and Castro. President Peres, who was a commander in Cabral’s PAIGC independence movenent, expressed his delight at being in The Gambia.

“It is important for me to be here as someone who has participated in numerous liberation struggles”, said President Peres. “I would like to thank President Jammeh and the gambians, who have had so much development, for the welcome”.

Anthem for a continent

Nkosi Sikelele Afrika

God Bless Africa

Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika

(Lord Bless Africa)

Maluphakanyisw’ uphondo lwayo

(May her glory be lifted high)

Yiva imathandazo yethu

(Hear our petitions)

Nkosi Sikelela Africa

(Lord bless Africa)

Thina lusapho lwayo

(Us your children)

Yihla Moya,

(Come Spirit)

Yihla Moya, yihla Moya,

Yihla Moya,

Yihla Moya, yihla Moya,

Yihla Moya oyingcwele

(Come Holy Spirit)

Nkosi sikelele

(Lord bless us)

Thina lusapho lwayo.

(Us your children)

Morena boloka sechaba sa heso,

(Lord we ask You to protect our nation)

O fedise dintwa le matshwenyeho,

(Intervene and end all conflicts)

Morena boloka sechaba sa heso,

O fedise dintwa le matshwenyeho.

O se boloke, o se boloke,

(Protect us)

O se boloke morena se boloke,

Sechaba sa heso

(Protect our nation)

Sechaba sa heso

Author: DO