Ruling on Carnegie MD’s bail condition pending

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Justice Na Ceesay Sallah-Wadda of the Banjul High Court, yesterday re-adjourned a ruling on the application by the defence counsel Mene for a review of the bail condition of his client, to March 3.

Charles Northfield (second defendant), the managing director of Carnegie Minerals Company Ltd The Gambia (first defendant), is standing trial on three counts of economic crime.

The re-adjournment followed after both the defence counsel and the director of Public Prosecution, Emmanuel Fagbenle made submissions on the application for the review of the bail condition.

Lawyer Mene made his intention clear to rely on paragraph 4 to 11 of the sworn in affidavit, especially paragraph 8 which is relating to the deposit of US$100,000.

But Emmanuel Fagbenle maintained that the prosecution did not object to the application since day one and therefore urged the
applicants to formalise their application in accordance with the terms and conditions of the law. He backed up his submission
with a reference to Section 8(1)(a) and (b) of the Economic Crime Act.

Author: by Sanna Jawara & Salifu Touray