Scandinavian academy in Gambia visit

Monday, February 4, 2008

Mass Axi Gai, Secretary of State for Youth and Sports, on Thursday, paid host to eleven football academy students from Norway at his office in Banjul.

The students’ meeting with SoS Gai was meant to brief him (SoS Gai) on bilateral cooperation that exists between the Scandinavia academy and Sateba Football Club -a local football club in The Gambia.

The coordinator of the partnership, Babou Sarr, said they have a company that engages in the promotion and preservation of Gambian culture in the diaspora. He said they are currently in contact with some Universities and Colleges in Scandinavia and United Kingdom who always want to visit The Gambia in order to get a first-hand  information on her cultural norms and state of football development.

“It is in this regard that these academy students from one of our partner colleges in Norway come for a working visit,” Sarr said.

“Since their arrival, the visitors have been conducting series of technical trainings with their host team - Sateba.”

“The visitors and their hosts also have had friendly matches before visiting The Gambia Football Association new headquarters in Kanifing as well as other prominent football academies in the country.”

Sarr expressed hope that the mutual cooperation which commenced this year will bear fruits in years to come.

SoS Gai, for his part, hailed the partnership, noting that the twinning will undoubtedly help promote sports in both countries.

The gathering was chaired by Ebou Joof, Permanent Secretary at the Department of State for Youth and Sports.

Author: by Hatab Fadera & Asi Bojang