In alleged police kidnap case

Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Major Crime Unit officer testifies

Amadou Kujabi, a police officer at the Major Crime Squad, on Monday appeared  before Senior Magistrate Kumba Sillah-Camara of the Bundung  Magistrates’ Court to give his evidence in the ongoing criminal case involving one Omar Jarjusey and Karamo Saidy, both of whom are officers of The Gambia Police Force accused of kidnapping one Mr. John.

In his evidence in chief before Senior Magistrate Kumba Sillah-Camara, Amadou Kujabi told  the court that he is a police officer at the Major Crime Squad at the police headquaters in Banjul.

He told the court that he recognised the accused in the dock and recalled that, while on duty at  the police headquarters, he  was instructed by the officer in command to joint a team of investigators at the Kairaba Police Station.

According to him, while at the station, the duo were brought before a panel of investigators alleged to have kidnapped a whiteman subsequently robbing him. He further stated that during the cause of their investigation, a sum of 1000 Euros was recovered from Omar Jarjusey and D6000 was also recovered from Karamo Saidy in D50 dominations. According to him the said sum was then handed over to the pannel. At this juncture, police prosecutor sergeant 772 Samateh tendered the said amounts in count and they were later admitted as exhibits. Lawyer Camara, counsel for the accussed raised no objections to the tendering of the amounts in court. The case was then adjourned to February 20 for PW5 to testify.

Author: Salifu Touray & Asi Bojang