Mauritanian Head of State due in The Gambia

Sunday, March 2, 2008

According to official sources Mr Sidi Mohamed Ould Sheikh Abdoulahi, President of Mauritania, will arrive in Banjul this morning at 10.00a.m. He will be received by President Yahya Jammeh.

On arrival, President Abdoulahi will inspect a guard of honour mounted by security officers, before proceeding to Sheraton Hotel in Brufut.

At 5p.m, visiting head of state will receive the Mauritanian community in The Gambia at Sheraton Hotel, at 8.00p.m. Thereafter, a state banquet will be hosted in his honour by President Jammeh at Kairaba Hotel, our sources added.

On Saturday, 1st March, the Mauritanian leader is scheduled to visit the fisheries complex in Gunjur at 10a.m and then Banjul Sea port at 12.p.m.

A tete-a-tete between the heads of state takes place at 1.30p.m. at state house, to be followed by the departure of President Ould Abdoulahi for Nouakchott.

Source: The Point