Taiwan gives US$7000 to Assembly

Thursday, March 6, 2008
The Taiwanese government through its embassy in Banjul, yesterday donated a cheque in the sum of US$7,000 to the National Assembly at a ceremony held at the office of the Speaker at the National Assembly in Banjul. Ambassador Patrick Chang on behalf of his government handed over the cheque to Speaker Fatoumatta Jahumpa-Ceesay who also handed it over to the acting Clerk of the National Assembly.

Speaking at the ceremony, Speaker Jahumpa-Ceesay thanked the Taiwanese for assisting her institution at a time when they are on a massive refurbishment exercise in preparation of the state opening of the National Assembly by President Jammeh on March 28.She revealed that the amount will be used to refurbish the NAMs lounge at the Assembly complex currently in a dilapidated condition. “As you know, government cannot do it alone so we are grateful to see friends like you[Taiwan] coming to our aid. We want to give the assembly complex the status it deserves before our visionary president[Yahya Jammeh] state opening”, she stressed.

Speaker Jahumpa-Ceesay, then saluted Ambassador Patrick Chang for his rapid response to her request and assured him of the Assembly’s unalloyed support to Taiwan’s agenda in international foras.

For his part, Ambassador Chang said the request for the assistance came from the speaker prompting him to immediately contact his government who wasted no time in giving the green light. He heaped praise on the speaker for the sterling leadership qualities she demonstrated since assuming the post. “I want to say keep up the good work” he concluded.

The Minority leader and NAM for Kiang West, Momodou Sanneh expressed appreciation to the Taiwanese government for the donation and assured Ambassador Chang of the opposition support to their activities in The Gambia.

Sanneh then thanked Speaker Jahumpa-Ceesay for effecting positive changes in the National Assembly and also treating both sides of the Assembly equally. “This is what is expected of her and we really appreciate it”, he said.

The Majority leader and NAM for Serrekunda East, Fabakary Tombong Jatta described the Taiwanese gesture as no surprise giving the record of their financial support to The Gambia.

According to him, Gambia’s relationship with Taiwan has gone beyond friendship to brotherhood and that the Assembly will always champion their agenda internationally. He then extended invitation to Ambassador Chang to witness the next session of the Assembly to see for himself the move they are undertaking to consolidate democracy and good governance in the country.

Abdoulie Kanagi Jawla, NAM for Sandu also spoke at the ceremony and thanked the Taiwanese government for their continuous financial support to The Gambia.

Author: DO