Dubai investors meet Jammeh

Monday, July 14, 2008
A group of investors from the Dubai based firm, Emirates Investment and Development Company, Sunday afternoon, met President Alhaji Dr Yahya Jammeh at State House in Banjul.

The group who are on a brief visit to the country to explore investment opportunities, were led to the State House by Muhammed Bazzi, Gambia’s consul general in Lebanon.

Speaking at the ceremony held at the Cabinet room, President Jammeh informed the group that The Gambia has a conducive investment environment rarely found elsewhere.

He cited the long-standing peace and stability, hospitality, incentives and the zero tolerance in corruption as some of the examples. According to him, the fact that he met the group on a Sunday, a rare case in his 14-year presidency, speaks volumes of the importance he attaches to their visit which is  geared towards exploring investment opportunities in the country’s expanding economy.

Dr Jammeh pointed to areas such as agriculture, education, tourism, fisheries, mining and the oil sector as areas that can be exploited by the group.

He suggested for them to establish the first continental university in The Gambia to make the country the base for education in Africa. To him, education locally is more profitable and it prevents the ‘snatching’ of fresh graduates by outside organisations.

The president then spoke of his desire to turn The Gambia into a financial hub in the world as Dubai is always a source of inspiration for him.

He, however, suggested for the group to come back to The Gambia to enable them to have a wider picture of the country as their current visit is too brief.

Speaking earlier, the SoS for Finance and Economic Affairs, Musa Gibril Bala-Gaye said The Gambia had legislations protecting investors, a liberal tax concession and a lot more for a conducive business environment.  He suggested for the group to invest in the airline sector alongside the national airline, GIA, citing the facelift being carried out at the Banjul International Airport thus making it among the best in the continent.

For his part, Dr Omar Touray, SoS for Foreign Affairs, described the gathering as the beginning of a “win-win” partnership as both sides stand to benefit from the venture. He also reiterated that The Gambia has met all the criteria investors look for, citing the sterling leadership qualities of President Jammeh which is propelling the country to higher heights.

Boute Alghandi, a member of the group, informed the president that their company is a multi-investment firm, searching for investment in Africa especially West Africa. He said they have seen positive investment signs in the country citing the hospitality of Gambians which makes them feel comfortable.

He disclosed that his group intends to invest in the tourism sector by building a world class golf course along the channels of the river like the Tiger Wood Golf Course in Dubai also built by their company.

To him, Gambia’s proximity to the West in terms of air flights makes it a suitable area for such an investment. He added that his group invests in education but more so in vocational training as they have established such facilities in North America. He pledged ten scholarships to President Jammeh for Gambians to undergo studies in the U.A.E.

Abdullah Abdul-Azziz, also a member of the group, said he is very impressed with what he saw in the country and this will help them in their endeavours.

Present at the ceremony were Secretaries of State Alhaji Ismaila Sambou, Crispin Grey-Johnson, Abdou Kolley, Lamin Bojang, Nancy Njie, Fatim Badjie-Janneh and secretary to Cabinet, Abdoulie Sallah.

Author: by Pa Malick Faye