Jailed Briton sinks lower

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Senior Magistrate Lamin George of the Banjul Magistrates Court, yesterday convicted and sentenced David Fulton to serve a three-year mandatory sentence without any option of  a fine.

David Fulton was some time last year convicted and sentenced to several years in prison term with a fine by the Banjul Magistrates Court on charges of publishing false information. David Fulton was, this time around, facing two charges of forgery and impersonation. He had pleaded guilty to count one, forgery, but not guilty to the second, impersonation.

He was thus convicted and sentenced on the count to which he had pleaded guilty. Before the magistrate handed down his sentence, the convict was asked if he wished to make a plea for mitigation but he replied in the negative. The case was adjourned to 7th April,  when proceedings on the second count would continue.

Author: by Sanna Jawara