Reactions on Dr Lenrie Peters' demise

Friday, May 29, 2009
Dear Cherno,
Thank you for your kind words.I hope that my dear uncle passed away peacefully and without suffering. I feel as if something of me that I was hanging on to is now gone for ever. [...] Did you travel to Dakar with the family . Were you with him at the end? I realise now that you and he must have been friends; what a good friend you are. I hope you told him of our correspondence so that he knew  it has been  through you that I have felt close to the family for the first time. Thank you for all that you have done for me.
(Sender's name withheld)
Oh dear!  And I was hoping to see him (I should be in TG in July).  Yes, deep condolences to his family.
Rosamond King, PhD (USA)
That's sad news indeed. May he rest in peace.
Arman Gaye (Student, USA)
Hello bro,
I am really shocked to learn such bad news! I was planning to meet him when am back to the Gambia. I am short of words to express how I feel. May his soul rest in peace! Amen.
Sylvie Coly (PhD Student, France)
Dear Cherno,
Sad--- truly sad for a great man of the Gambia.  I attached below my initial reaction, which I shared with Gambians aorund here, when I learned of the death-- yesterday.  I will be writing a more extended eulogy shortly. Thanks for all of your efforts. Warm regards,

Fellow Gambians or honorary Gambians,

  It is with a deep sense of loss that I wanted to share the attached news of the passing away of Dr. Lenrie Peters-- that Dr. Sidi Jammeh shared with me. Apart from being a world class medical doctor, Lenrie was Gambia's most renowned writer and indeed the founding father of modern Gambian literature in English.
Gambia has lost two big literary giants-- Ebou Dibba a few years ago-- at a relatively young age; and now that marvellous partriarch, Lenrie Peters.   I got to know Lenrie in my early high school years and he was both a friend and a mentor, and I usually visited him at Westfield Clinic in Kanifing, where on the margins of his busy medical practice, he will take time off and sit in the yard and review my creative writings and offer advice and encouragement.  We became friends ever since.  And virtually, every time I visit the Gambia, I will visit Lenrie at his house at Cape Point and spend some time chatting with him.  He will be greatly missed as a mentor and friend.   In my view, Lenrie was one of Gambia's best.  Hardworking, creative, and committed (he spent his entire life in private medical practice, serving the enormous medical needs of the Gambia population).  Lenrie was one of those few and necessary Gambian men who will be forever remembered for putting the Gambia on the literary map of the world.  I will truly miss him, and plan to do a more extended eulogy of him in the Gambian papers.  May his soul, which has touched many the world over, rest in peace. Regards,
Tijan Sallah, PhD (World Bank, USA)
May  soul rest in peace! He is gone but will be remembered by us as well as generations to come for his immense contribution to gambian literature in particular and african literary work in general. I feel writing the hommage will attest the effforts made in researching on his literary work. It also shows the young generation of gambians recognition of gambian writers contribution to education and development within and beyond our borders for making The Gambia known to others.
Ousainou Gai (Lecturer, Gambia College)
Yiro Boi ta! The African literary family is in mourning. But it is his courage to be who he was that will dry our eyes.
Nana Grey Johnson (Writer, The Gambia)
Thank you Cherno; may his soul rest in eternal peace. This is a grave loss to Gambia in many ways: the health industry, academia, the literary field(for which Dr. Peters is a pioneer), philanthropy, etc, etc...  He will be sorely missed. 
Alieu Darboe