The Lady of the River

Sunday, February 8, 2009

by Cherno Omar Barry

For several weeks now, Brima Touray has been acting very strangely. He is often absent-minded when his clients come to make an order and when they attract his attention, he seems to wake from a reverie. Brima’s wife, Salimata is very worried. She has been hearing what people have been saying about her husband and it worries her so much. How can some people insinuate that her husband is possessed by witches? Or is he slowly going mad? However much she denies these allegations she still has her lingering doubts. That is why she decided to go see Jabbi. If there could be anyone who can help her out, it can only be Serign Jabbi, fondly called Jabbi. Jabbi’s successes have endued him with an aura of invincibility for he is not like the other marabous. Generally marabouts are known for their dishonesty and false prophecies. Jabbi, however, hardly advertises himself. The few who know him have complete confidence in his divine work. Once Salimata arrives at his place and explains her problem, he instructed her without hesitation to bring her husband to him.

“He will tell us what disturbs him” explains Jabbi.

“Bring Brima to you?” asks a surprised Salimata, “but that is almost impossible. He will refuse outright.”

“He holds the key to this mystery,” tries to explain Jabbi. “Don’t worry. You women can always find a way.”

That was the least thing Salimata expected from Jabbi. How can she convince Brima to come and see Jabbi? Yet if Jabbi assures her that Brima is the only one who can pierce this mystery they are all shrouded in, that should be a challenge she should assume. Her fear lies in Brima’s newly developed violence. Even though he is absent-minded most of the time, he has developed a tendency of shouting and ranting over insignificant things. Salimata knows her task ahead is difficult but she has leant that the best way to win a man is to invent new seductive means.

Would you like to discover the mystery? Would Salimata succeed to convince Brima to meet Jabbi? How can Jabbi help solve the conplicated problem the Brima family is facing? Above all, who is this Lady of the River and what has she got to do with the story?

Discover more about Salimata, Brima and Jabbi in this extraordinary story of mystery. Buy the magazine!