Bansang man hits jackpot

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Alieu Gaye, a silver and gold smith,  resident in Bansang Town, Central River Region is the lucky winner of a D105,700 jackpot from the Gambia National Lottery (GNL).

He was last Friday handed the sum at a ceremony held at the GNL head offices  in Banjul.

Speaking at the ceremony, Fabakary Jammeh, Marketing Manager of the National Lottery congratulated the winner.

Receiving the sum, Mr Gaye hailed The Gambia National Lottery for providing services where the poor can participate and succeed.  According to him the amount he won could not have come at a better moment than this as he was facing some financial constraints in his business and need to use the money to upgrade his business.

Author: Written by Hatab Fadera
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper