Judgement in Fraud Case Soon

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Though, three of his confederates in crime are still at large, the Brikama Magistrates’ Court will soon deliver verdict in the trial of one Amat Baba Ceesay over charges of false pretences.

Amat Baba Ceesay and three suspected allies in crime were recently charged with the alleged offence of obtaining D185, 800 from one Ndey Isatou on pretext of multiplying it.

In his maiden court appearance earlier this year, Amat denied the charges pressed against him consequently leaving the prosecution with the onus of proving the ingredients of the matter beyond reasonable doubt.

The prosecution, having called witnesses in a bid to prove the case against Ceesay, magistrate Edrissa Mbai is now set to hand down judgement in the trial sometime this week.

Author: By Abdoulie Nyockeh
Source: The Point