10 Years for Drug Trafficker

Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Brikama Magistrates’ Court sometime last week imposed a 10- year jail term or an alternative of D1million court fine on one David  Jatta as his case over charges of drug trafficking came to a definitive conclusion.

He was also sentenced to serve a five-year mandatory jail term and the sentences would run consecutively.

David was on Thursday of last week put on trial at the Brikama Magistrates’ Court on suspicion of being found in possession of 2kg and 200g of Cannabis Sativa for the purpose of trafficking in contravention of the Drug Control Act of 2003 as amended.

The sentences were passed following his own plea of guilty to the charges preferred against him.

In another development, one Modou Sanyang was sentenced to pay a fine of D50,000 in default to serve three years in prisons. He had admitted guilt for being found in possession of 240g of marijuana in Sukuta village.

The cases were presided over by magistrate Edrisa Mbai and Abdoulie Ceesay represented the National Drug Enforcement Agency in the trial.

Author: By Abdoulie Nyockeh
Source: The Point