Inferno ravages Brikama market

Monday, October 27, 2008
A serious fire outbreak last Friday destroyed at least four canteens in the Brikama market. The outbreak was said to have resulted to over D50, 000 worth of damages.

According to reliable sources, the incident happened in the early hours of Friday. At the time of going to press, there was no accurate information as to what caused the fire. However, many eye witnesses who spoke to the Daily Observer said they suspected that the fire started in a mobile shop owned by a certain Medina Konteh. The mobile shop was said to be the only one with electricity in the affected area.

Aja Kunjalang Darboe, one of the victims, said that the unfortunate incident has created a serious setback for her business as forty-two pieces of cloths, bags of fertilizers and other properties were all reduced to ashes. According to her, she had just recently won a scholarship of D10, 000 from Gamcel and had invested the entire amount into the business. She therefore appealed to the general public to come to her aid.

Babucarr Ceesay, a cosmetics trader, said he lost over D25, 000. The third victim, Lamin Jatta, also claimed to have lost over twenty thousand dalasis. Medina Konateh, the owner of the shop where the fire is believed to have emanated, was indisposed.

The Brikama Area Council acting market manager, Bunja Jadama, expressed sympathy for the victims. He said that the cause of the fire was not yet known. He called on the general public, especially government departments and donor agencies, to help the victims.

Author: by Amadou Jallow