Notorious criminal convicted More cases pending against him

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
A middle-aged man believed to be a notorious criminal was on 5 May 2009, convicted by the Brikama Magistrates court for theft.

Modou Lamin Manneh was arraigned before Principal Magistrate Pa Harry Jammeh for stealing items worth overD3,000 from the Mandinaba Nursery School. He pleaded guilty to the charge and was subsequently sentenced to serve a one-year jail term with hard labour.

Manneh was previously convicted for another offense and sentenced to 6 months imprisonment, of which he has served only 4 months. He will start serving the one-year term immediately after the 6-month one ends.

Almost immediately after the magistrate pronounced the judgment, the police announced another theft case involving the convict. The court adjourned that case to a later date. First Class Jammeh represented the Inspector General of Police at the trial.
Author: by Modou Kanteh