Football Jamboree in Brufut Next Month

Monday, September 24, 2007

In about a month time, the Brufut bases Gilkock football academy will host about 400 interns (players) from their sister academies across the country for the annual Inter Gilkock football jamboree.

Scheduled for  the 20th 0ctober 2007, the day long event which over the years draws public attention with huge media coverage, will be in the form of talent show and football matches for different categories {age groups} according to Sang Mendy, PRO of the organizing committee.

He outlined the need to mark the event annually as it allows the players to interact, show what they are capable of and as well learn from each other, but was quick to lament on the lack of sponsorship to successfully run the event over the years and hopes that this year’s event would be a thing of the past. He urges companies, Parastatals, stakeholders and individuals who have the means to come to their aid this year. For companies and Parastatals, the event as it attracts many people might be a good ground to advertise, interact or sell their products to new and potential customers, he noted.

 In conclusion, he called on other coaches to make good use of the jamboree which could be a countrywide event.

On his part, Mr. Burama Dibba, PRO of the parent body expressed optimism for a successful hosting of the event noting ‘'the Brufut branch academy is a very organize academy,”

 Burama also expressed similar sentiments regarding sponsorship packages.

With barely one month to go the Brufut academy, knowing the task ahead of them, has started with logistical work and urged any potential sponsors to contact the following numbers: +220 9830861, 9962232,7314772 or 7785679 or

Source: The Point