D10,000 basketball lawn inaugurated

Friday, March 7, 2008
A newly constructed Basketball lawn worth  D10,000 was on Thursday inaugurated at the Scanaid Senior Seconadary School in Brufut, Western Region.

The inauguration ceremony coincided with the school’s annual fundraising ebbehday, an event said to have financed the project.

Speaking at the ceremony, Mariama Baldeh, principal of the school, underscored the importance of the day, according to her the project was financed through ebbeh-days which are held once every year in her school.

Madam Baldeh said that before the school took-up the initiative of constructing the Basketball court, she had had a meeting with students to sound their opinion as to how they should used the money.

According to her, the students suggested three things out of which they agreed on establishing a Basketball lawn that can also be used as Volleyball court and other games as well.

Madam Baldeh believed that even though her school is a non government school, she would wait for the donors to do everything. “We will also in our own bit of effort do our quota,” she explained.

She expressed hope that the introduction of this new physical recreational centre in her school would not only benefit her school but the community of Brufut as well.

Mrs Baldeh pointed out discipline as an instrument for every student, urging them to maintain their level of coorperation in school.

Also in her statement, she commended the Government of the Gambia and the community of Brufut for creating the enabling and conducive environment to run the school.

In his inaugural address on behalf of the Regional director for region 2, Lamin k. Camara, cluster monitor for Sancha-ba Sulay Jobe circuit, commended the managent and staff of Scanaid Senior Secondary School for initiating such a wonderful project through self help venture without assistance from the donors.

“It is necessary for the head to break down the barriers which separate classes so that there are occasion when the school is like a family. This can be done through sports such as football, basketball among others. For Amadou Camara, the Physical Education teacher at the school, the establishment of the lawn will enhance the physical fitness of the students and expose them to the game.

Alhaji Bully Sanneh, representative of the Alkalo of Brufut and the Scanaid School PTA chairman all spoke at the ceremony.

Author: by Musa Ndow