Two to Reappear in Court for Alleged Fraud

Monday, November 12, 2007

As Prosecution Settles Down to Work

Hamat Touray and Gibou Touray would, in a fortnight’s time, reappear before the Bundung Magistrates’ Court as the prosecution settles down to work in proving their case against the two.

The duo; both residents of Sukuta village in Kombo North, would now be tried for an alleged offence of obtaining D150,000 from one Adama Sidibeh on promise to double the sum to D300,000.

When Hamat and Gibou were arraigned before magistrate Buba Jawo on Tuesday and their ‘offence’ read and translated to them in a local language, they denied the charge and were consequently given bail in the sum of D100,000 as the case proceeds.

Author: By Njie Baldeh & Malamin Conteh
Source: The Point