Prosecution Closes Case in London Corner Murder Trial

Friday, May 16, 2008

The murder trial against one Dodou Janneh recently progressed from one stage when the prosecution declared that it was closing its case.

The prosecution's action came after it called nine witnesses to prove their case against the accused.

The accused, Dodou Janneh, is being tried before Bundung Magistrates Court chaired by Magistrate Kumba Sillah-Camara for allegedly killing one Sheriff Minteh on 5th May, 2007 at London Corner.

Testifying, PW9, Dr Azmy Abdullah Aziz, a medical doctor at RVTH, told the court that on 5th May 2007, he was instructed to carry out post mortem on the body of the deceased, the late Sheriff Minteh. He stated that during the examination on the body, he noticed that the body was bleeding from wounds, adding that the examination also revealed that the death of Sheriff Minteh was caused by the stab wounds. He said that after the examination he prepared a medical report to that effect.

The case was at that juncture adjourned to 20th May for the defence to begin.

Author: By Yerro Mballow & Malamin Conteh