‘Zimba’ organisers charged

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Reports reaching the Daily Observer indicate that the four organisers (names withheld) of a Zimba (Wolof cultural masquerade dancer) event were, on Monday, charged with common nuisance contrary to the laws of The Gambia.

The four individuals are currently detained at the Bundung Police Station, in connection with Saturday’s incidence at Bundung Mauritani Junction involving one of the Zimbas, who allegedly killed a seven-year old boy.

Sources disclosed to this paper that the four organisers are shortly expected to appear at the Bundung Magistrates Court, to answer the charge levelled against them.When contacted, ASP Sulayman Secka, the public relations officer of the Gambia Police Force, confirmed the story.

According to the Police PRO, common nuisance is a chargeable offence under Section 160 of the Criminal Code, Laws of The Gambia.

PRO Secka also told the Daily Observer that the Zimbas are yet to be charged as the investigations are still in progress.

Author: by Assan Sallah