World Malaria Day observed in CRR

Friday, May 30, 2008
The people of Central River Region (CRR) on Sunday, May 25, commemorated World Malaria Day at Brikama-ba, in the Lower Fulladu West District, CRR South.

The theme of the commemoration was ‘Malaria: a disease without borders and the slogan was ‘united we can combat malaria’.  

Addressing the gathering, Alhaji Ganyi Touray, Governor of the Central River Region described Malaria as a unique problem. He hailed the efforts of the partners in the crusade against this life threatening disease.

Governor Touray added that the effective use of insecticide treated nets especially by pregnant women and children under five years and access to effective anti-malaria drugs are paramount importance in the fight against malaria.

Karamba F Keita, regional health officer in CRR also descibed Malaria as one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality, especially among children under five and pregnant women. He noted that with the theme and slogan of the 2008 celebration, Mr Keita called on all to effectively participate in the crusade against malaria.

Lamin Jarju, programme officer of the National Malaria Control Program  said malaria cases increased in the Central River and Upper River Regions as a result of  the ecological factors such as rice irrigation, flood plains and swamps which are favourable for Anopheles mosquito to bread.  

He applauded the increased public awareness on malaria issues especially in CRR by the regional health management team in Bansang.

The celebration was also characterised by a match pass of school children and health workers.

Author: by Lamin SM Jawo in Janjangbureh