UDP loses strongman to APRC

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The opposition UDP chairman in Lower Fulladu, Central River Region (CRR), has announced his defection to the ruling APRC party. 

Mr Abdou Willan declared a shift of allegiance at a mass political rally at Sinchu Bamba Village on April 27, which was attended by more than a thousand supporters, including the NAM for the constituency and the governor of the region.

Mr Willan told the rally that his defection was inspired by President Jammeh’s leadership and his good intentions for Gambians. He further paid tribute to the Gambian leader, describing him as the only leader in the country’s political circle who could deal with the needs of the citizenry.

The former UDP Fulladu chairman then pledged to close ranks with members of the ruling party for the development of the country.

In his address to the jubilant supporters, the governor for CRR, Alhaji Ganyie Touray, welcomed Abdou Willan to the APRC party and commended him for his patriotism. 

Governor Touray told the rally that the president was determined to tackle the needs of the people and urged the people of CRR to dispose their support and join the president in his development efforts.

Sainey Mbye, the APRC desk officer for CRR and NAM for Upper Saloum, elaborated on the numerous achievements registered under Jammeh’s administration, noting that the region had in particular, befitted immensely. He called on his people to unite behind President Jammeh for more development.

Other speakers at the rally included the NAM for Lower Fulladu, Yorro MC Mballow, Seedy Njie, a nominated member of the National Assembly, Aja Ndey Jatta and Chief Momodou L Baldeh. The rally was chaired by the deputy governor of CRR, Lamin Darboe.

Author: by Lamin SM Jawo