Heroic Cuban soldiers remembered

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Yesterday marked the 20th anniversary of the defeat of the Racist Southern African Boers in the town of Cuito Cuanavale in Angola, and friends of Cuba gathered at Ambassador Carlos Salsamendi’s Embassy in Fajara to remember the ocassion. Here is the full speech as delivered by Ambassador Salsamendi:

“This year, March 23 marks the 20th Anniversary of the battle of Cuito Cuanavale, a town located in south-eastern Angola, which was partly occupied by troops of the South African apartheid regime, from where they were providing military assistance to the movement which was trying to overthrow the legitimate Angolan government, and from where those troops pretended to move north to further occupy more Angolan territory.

On that day the South African launched its major attack on the town, but they were held back by Cuban and Angolan troops.  

Immediately after, Cuban troops fighting along side brave Angolan soldiers and Namibian freedom fighters moved south towards the Namibian border forcing the south african troops to draw back from Angolan territory.

Such defeat led to ensure Angola’s sovereignty, the independence of Namibia and hastened the end of apartheid.  Referring to this historic event, Nelson Mandela, who among many other fighters against the white supremacist regime in those days we called “terrorists”, stated that it “was the turning point of the liberation of our continent and of my people from the scourge of apartheid”.

Cuba, small country subjected to a criminal blockade and threatened by the most powerful government in the world, “wrote one of the bravest and extraordinary pages of its solidarity principles”, as Fidel Castro declared on December, 1988.  Cubans are proud to be the only non-African country that sent troops to defend an african country against the racist and fascist aggression of south africa apartheid.

As in many other countries, this March 23rd will also be an occasion to render homage to the more than 2,000 Cubans who gave their lives in Angola, Guinea Bissau and other african countries fighting for their independence and sovereignty.

Nowadays, based on the same principles of solidarity, thousand of Cubans are helping african countries, like here in the Gambia, in their goals to bring development and well being to their peoples”.

The PS Foreign Affairs, The Ambassador of Guinea Bissau and the MD of the Daily Observer all spoken with glowing admiration and appreciation of the solidarity and sacrifice of the Cuban people towards Africa.

Author: by Ebrima Jaw Manneh