New Solar System for Bondali

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Vice-President Aja Dr Isatou Njie-Saidy, yesterday, on behalf of President Yahya Jammeh, launched the solar lighting system and rain water harvesting tank projects at a ceremony held in Kankurang village in Foni Bondali District, Western Region.

Riders For Health (RFH) and Barefoot College jointly-sponsored the Euro 32,500 worth of solar lighting system is earmarked to serve Kankurang and Kaffenkeng.

According to official reports, the rain water harvesting tanks will supply water to in each of the five schools in Bullengart, Bambarang, Bondali, Mayork and Wassadu respectively. These projects were valued at US$57,500.

Delivering the inaugural statement, Vice-President Njie-Saidy, who is also the Secretary of State for Women’s Affairs, affirmed the President’s glaring commitment and dedication to the rapid development of country, and the constant improvement of the living standard of the Gambian people. The Vice President then extended President Jammeh’s delight with the intervention of Riders For Health, and the Barefoot College in India.

She lauded RFH and Barefoot College as real partners in development, noting that they understand the need to work with the two villages and their local authorities for the successful implementation of the projects.

She highlighted that RFH and Barefoot College believe in using appropriate technology to improve the living standard of the rural population in developing countries, adding that this is the true spirit of a South-South Cooperation.

She then commended RFH and Barefoot College for making the development in the two villages sustainable the training two ladies, Aji Camara and Mariama Badjie, as solar engineers, and also for providing Uhuru Ambulance for the district.

She then re-echoed President Jammeh’s appreciation to RFH, Barefoot College and Rotary International, for the development, they brought to the people of Foni Bondali.

Other speakers at the ceremony included Mr Barry Coleman, Executive Director of RFH, Ms Andrea Coleman, CEO of RFH and Mrs Therese Drammeh, Director of RFH The Gambia.

The ceremony was attended by Secretaries of State, senior government officials, the Indian High Commissioner based in Dakar, the British High Commissioner to The Gambia, the NAM for the area, Governor of Western Region, Chief of Foni Bondali, Alkalolu, religious leaders, and RFH staff. Cultural toupes provided live performance at the ceremony.

Author: Written by Assan Sallah
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper
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