Travelling Magistrate gets tough in Janjangbureh

Monday, June 18, 2007

Magistrate Sheriff Tabally, the travelling Magistrate in Central River Region, last Thursday, on his first sitting at Janjangbureh Police Station premises convicted and sentenced Lamin Fadera, to a fine of D5000, in default to serve four months imprisonment with hard labour.

However, the accused Lamin Fadera, was convicted upon his plead of guilt to a charge of stealing a mobile phone (LG), being the property of one Sarjo Secka of Jamally Koboye village.
In another case, Mustapha Sambou and Bakary Cesesay, also appeared in court on charges of criminal activities, contrary to the Laws of The Gambia.

However, Mustapha Sambou was acquitted and discharged as he is believed to be mentally imbalance. The Police Procecutor 1260 Corporal Colley said, based on grounds that the accused is mentally ill, “I appealed for him to be discharged and acquitted as he has already spent six months in custody”.

He cited Section 68 of the Criminal Procedure Code to back up his submissions. His application was then granted and the case was struck out.

The third accused Bakary Ceesay was absent in court and his trial could not proceeded. The matter was later adjourned to 11th June for continuation.


Author: Written by Abdou Rahman Sallah
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper