Janjanbureh ends dogs mayhem

Thursday, January 3, 2008
Bakary Jam Jawo, chief of Janjangbureh has disclosed that the needless damage caused by dogs in Janjangbureh is now becoming history in the wake of their intervention.

According to Chief Jawo, the community of Janjangbureh engaged the relevant authorities, requesting for permission to free the island of dogs.

He revealed that the people mobilised and went round town hunting down dogs, after permission was granted. He revealed that many dogs were killed during the operation.

The chief complained that the dog population on the island has tremendously increased in the past years and this upsurge had forced some dogs to live in the bushy areas in the outskirts of the town.

He blamed the attacks on domestic animals, such as goats, on the lack of food for the dogs.

“Alot of dogs were killed and since then, I have not received any complain about dogs killing goats,” he concluded.

Author: by Assan Sallah back from CRR