“Lycée Samsideen Hydara” ends visit

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

At least 60 students and 19 teachers from Lycée Chérif Samsideen Hydara, a high school in Wellingara, Senegal, on Saturday May 3, concluded a four day exchange visit to Armitage Senior School in Janjangbureh, Central River Region (CRR).

During their stay at Armitage, the group paid a courtesy call on   Ganyie Touray, Governor of CRR, Baboucarr Suwareh, Regional Education Director, Region 5, schools as well as heritage sites in the Central River Region.

Isaac Koroma, Vice Principal of Armitage Senior School, said the link between the two schools started in the 80s. He said since the establishment of the link, both schools have been benefiting a lot, adding that there had been exchange of cultures, and that the relationships between the two schools had been strengthened.

Governor Ganyie Touray commended the pioneers of the link. He further spoke at length on the bilateral cooperation and understanding that exists between the two heads of states of The Gambia and Senegal.  He asserted that The Gambia and Senegal were one people who share the same culture, even though they were separated by their colonial masters.

The Regional Director for Education, Baboucarr Suwareh, for his part called on the students to promote the link so as to boost regional integration and African unity. The vice principal of Samsedeen Hydara High school, Baba Camara, thanked the staff and students of Amitage for their hospitality.

Author: Lamin SM Jawo