President gives tractor to Janjangbureh

Thursday, June 19, 2008
In yet another benevolent gesture to rural Gambian farmers, President Alhaji Dr Alhaji Yahya Jammeh, on Monday, donated a brand new tractor, valued at D360,000, to farmers of Janjangbureh, Central River Region.

At a colourful ceremony held at the residence of the governor of the region, Lt. Kora Faye, the provincial farm manager at Kanilai Farm, described the move as another show of the president’s desire to empower rural farmers mechanically, as he is aware of the plight facing them.

Lt Faye implored on the villagers to set up a devoted committee for a “strict and proper” management of the tractor, for the benefit of every farmer on the island.

“You are all aware of how the other tractors were deliberately abused by few individuals to the detriment of poor farmers. So this opportunity should not be a replica of what happened to those tractors,” he emphasised, noting that the community must ensure the sustainability of the tractor.

The Kanilai provincial farm manager called on the villagers to unite and work together for the betterment of their community.

Receiving the tractor, on behalf of Janjangbureh farmers, Ganyi Touray, the governor of CRR, welcomed the presidential gesture, thanking the Gambian leader for his generosity, noting that it could not have come at a better moment, at a time when the farmers are without adequate farming implements.

Governor Touray reiterated the need for unity in the town, warning that division would only surffocate their development, as a community, and progress as a people.

On the proposed committee for the management of the tractor, Governor Touray implored the would-be members to manage the tractor in the best interest of the community.

Bakary Jawo, the chief of Janjangbureh, told the farmers to be appreciative of the president’s donation, saying that the town is not the only farming community in the country.

Other speakers at the ceremony included Mariama Manneh, councillor for Janjangbureh, Aja Babou Sidibeh and Alhaji Simbong Sidibeh.

Author: by Hatab Fadera