2 get 8-month jail term

Friday, October 5, 2007

Senior Magistrate Abdoulie Mbacke of the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court, yesterday convicted and sentenced one Cherno Bah and Ebrima Ceesay to a fine of D11,000 each, in default to serve six-month imprisonment after they were found guilty of stealing contrary to the Laws of The Gambia.

He also ordered the duo to compensate the accused with the sum of D300 in default to serve another 2 months jail term.

According to the particulars of the offense, the duo on the 31st August 2007, at the Serrekunda suburb of old Jeshwang, jointly stole the following items namely, Gear box valued at D10,000 and bar axele valued at D12,000 all together totalling to the sum of D22,000 property of one Ali Kassir.

However, the duo pleaded guilty to the charge preferred against them.

In their plea of mitigation, both offenders appealed for court mercy.

In his judgement, Senior Magistrate Mbacke, said the two accused however has observed some punishment as a deterrent adding that stealing has increased in the society which ought to be stopped.

“The duo are able bodied youths who can work an earn a living.  But urban youths nowadays are lazy as they don’t want to labour and acquire thing in an honest manner but preferred to acquire things in an easy way by robbing people”, he said.

Senior Magistrate Mbacke added that, the court and law enforcement agencies must do something to end this malpractices. He said youths must stop sitting in a tiny corner drinking green tea and grumbling on lack of employment as an excused.

“They can earn a self employment jobs like selling newspapers and the likes. Though the police records has shown that you are first time offenders coupled with your plea of guilty, this will make the court to show leniency on you”, Senior Magistrate Mbacke concluded.

Meanwhile in the event, the convicts were unable to pay the fine and compensation and both sentence are to be served concurrently.

Author: by Sheriff Janko
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper