4 FIB customers sued

Friday, November 2, 2007

First International Bank (FIB), has filed a legal suit against four of its customers, following their failure to repay back loan facilities given to them by the bank, a case presided over by Senior Magistrate Abdoulie Mbackeh of the Kanifing Magistrate’s Court yesterday.

The customers are Umelo Georgiana Valentine, who the bank is claiming the sum of D17,213.18, plus an interest of 25 percent, together with the cost.

Another customer, Pastor Wilmot Johnson Cole, is sued for the recovery of the sum of D9,236.91, plus interest of 25 percent until the judgement sum is liquidated plus cost.
Barra Ceesay Trading, a solid engineering is also sued for the claim of D98,732.43, plus an interest of 25 percent until the judgment is liquidated, plus the cost, while Sidi Sanneh also a customer was sued for the sum of D376,273.97, with 25 percent interest until the judgment sum is liquidated plus the cost. 

The said loans were due for payment and the defendants had failed and neglected to liquidate the amounts owed, despite several demands.

 Due to that reason, the court had agreed for a substitution of service, to be effected on the defendants: Umelo Georgiana Valentine, Sidi Sanneh and Barra Ceesay, and it should be in the form of promulgating the services in one of the local daily newspapers.

For Pastor Wilmot Johnson Cole, the court granted permission for the summon to be pasted on the premises of the defendant.

The case continues on17th December, 2007, for the plaintiff to carry out the ‘substituted service’ and for promulgating the other summons in one of the local daily newspapers.
Lawyers Chime is representing the FIB Bank and all the defendants were absent in the  court.

Author: by Lamin Njie