Briton Murder Case, 2nd Accused Testifies

Monday, June 18, 2007

Kawsu Jarjue, the 2nd accused in the murder of a British national, Ron Ford, on Tuesday testified at the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court before Magistrate Buba Jawo. Mr. Jarjue informed the court that he had worked in a restaurant for four years before his arrest. He adduced that he was arrested at the restaurant in Brikama along the Gunjur highway by one Musa, a police officer called Kargbo (PW11), and the then Station Officer (SO) of Bakau.

He added that he was asked whether he knew Dawda, the 1st accused, claiming that he answered that he had never known the 1st accused nor had he ever had reason to converse with him. He stated that it was then that KJ told him that they were going to continue their investigations, threatening him of the consequences should they find out that he, the 2nd accused, actually knew the 1st accused.

He further testified that he was taken to the NIA for further investigation after a week of detention in Kairaba Police Station.

However, he mentioned that on his arrival at the NIA offices, the officers introduced him to Dawda, who was at the time tied up, and asked whether he had seen him before. He claimed that he was threatened with the same treatment the 1st accused was undergoing if he refused to tell the truth. When he told them that he did not know the 1st accused, they subjected him to excruciating electric shock.

The case was at that point adjourned to 14th June, 2007.


Author: By Binta Sowe & Alieu Gassama
Source: The Point