Kanifing Lectors Inducted

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Lectors at the St. Therese’s Catholic Church were recently inducted into office as proclaimers of the Word in a reverend manner before thousands of witnesses during Mass.

The Kanifing Lectors is one of the oldest organisations in the church. The induction ceremony was officiated by Fr. Peter Lopez during their Thanks Giving Mass.

Thirteen new members were inducted before the Altar. According to their president, Ernest Mendy, those who had not gone through the initiation were also there to be inducted and many older members who had been inducted were in attendance to support the new ones.

Mr. Mendy said that although their group has many members but most hardly turn up for meeting. He also urged church members, especially those confirmed, to join the group.

"Thirteen Lectors were commissioned today to proclaim the Word of God. With your help Lector members, men and women, will come to know God and meditate on him constantly," Fr Lopez said.

He added: "You are urged to take the Book of the Holy scriptures and be faithful in handling on the Word of God so that it will grow strong in the hearts of God’s people."


Author: By Augustine Kanjia
Source: The Point