Ndondi Njie Signed the Invoice - IEC Director of Finance

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Mr Lamin Cham, IEC Director of Finance, told the court on 3rd January, 2008 that Mr. Ndondi Njie, former Chairman of IEC, signed the invoice which indicated an order for the purchase of electoral materials. Mr Cham made this revelation in a testimony before Magistrate Sainabou Wadda-Ceesay of the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court.

Testifying before the court, the witness said he started working at the IEC since April 2002, and that he knew the accused Kawsu Ceesay. He adduced that he used to work with Mr. Ndondi Njie, noting that while he had worked with the accused for 5 years at the IEC he worked with Mr. Ndondi Njie for only one year as the Director of Finance. He further narrated that he advised on administrative matters and that he is also in charge of finance at the IEC.

He recollected that he had seen the said invoice which, he added, was dated 2nd December 2005. He went on to say that on a certain while he was in his office, the accused came with the said invoice and gave it to him. He stated that he asked him whether it needed immediate payment and the accused told him that it had already been approved by Mr. Ndondi Njie. He adduced that after the accused left his office he took the invoice to Mr. Ndondi Njie and handed it to him.

Mr Cham further intimated that the IEC had two accounts and that the amount on the invoice was more than the total of the balance in both accounts the IEC could pay for the purchase of the electoral materials.

He further revealed that though Mr. Ndondi Njie approved the invoice he instructed him to hold on as he was going to have a meeting with the President. He said he then went back to his office. He stated that Mr. Ndondi Njie signed the invoice to indicate his approval.

Mr Cham said that he had received many documents bearing Mr. Ndondi Njie’s signature nearly on daily basis, adding that he was sure that the signature on the invoice was Mr. Njie’s.

He further revealed that towards the end of June 2006, Mr Ebrima Sanneh, a commission member, came to his office and told him that Mr. Njie had asked him to contact Code Incorporated and that he (the witness) got the quotation and emailed it to Code as instructed by Mr. Njie.

He stated that an NIA officer came to his office and asked him to photocopy the invoice for him. He said when he went to the NIA office he was asked whether he could identify the said invoice and that he was also asked as to who signed the invoice and he told the NIA officer that it was Mr. Ndondi Njie who signed it.

At this juncture, lawyer Batchilly announced that the defense would end its case with that testimony.
Magistrate Wadda-Ceesay adjourned the case to 15th February 2008 for the adoption of written addresses by the state counsel and the defense counsel.

Author: By Dawda Faye
Source: The Point