Monday, September 29, 2008

The ongoing TODAY newspaper case, at the kanifing court, could not continue today. The counsel for the paper lawyer Lamin Camara requested for an adjournment, which was granted by sitting magistrate Buba Jawo. The case is now adjourned to the 15 of October 2008. It could be recalled that TODAY newspaper is dragged to court by the state over a story concerning school children scavenging metal at the disadvantage of their school lessons.

The editor was charged for sedition and the paper is closed by the police until further notice. At the last sitting it was said by PW1, that the proprietor, Abdoulah Adiomoh did not renew its business licenses, and that he also has permit A category with which he could not have registered such a business.

Fresh charges were brought against him and taken before a magistrate in Banjul, he was since found guilty of the offences and fine ten thousand dalasi (D10, 000.00). This was since paid, but he is to continue with the seditious case against him at the kanifing courts.

Author: Madi Ceesay
Source: Courts