3 parked cars burnt down in Kanifing Estate

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Three vehicles parked at Kanifing Estate Community Centre, were in the early hours of yesterday, Sunday at around 3:30 am, burnt down by unknown person. According to residents in the area, this type of criminal act is common in Kanifing Estate.

They added that few months ago, the control box that supplies the whole estate with light was burnt down by unknown persons and are still nowhere to be seen. The cars involved in this incident are 1-90 Benz Reg. No-BJL -5870 D belonging to Cadi Mahammadou Lamin Khan,  MBW Reg. No KM 3042 B belonging to one Ebrima Jaiteh and 240 Benz Reg. No KM8069 A belonging to one Dr Sulayman Sonko, all residents of Kanifing Estate.

According to Mohammadou Lamin Khan, the fire started around 3:30 am while he was sleeping and his wife called his attention  and informed him  of the incident . He said at first, he thought it was an electricity spark. “I switch 0ff the light but I later found out that it was my car burning. By the time I arrived at the scene, the fire was beyond control. I  called the fire service but it was late” he said.  He said he later ran to the community centre but did not also find the security man who was on duty.
Author: by Omar Wally