Poverty employment study report to be launched tomorrow

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The report of The Gambia’s poverty and employment study, conducted in 2007 with the view to examine the country’s economic growth trends, origins and components of the gross domestic growth, the structure of the economy and factors affecting economic growth, funded by The Gambia Priority Employment Programme (GAMJOBS), will be validated at the Paradise Suites Hotel tomorrow.

The Gambia government in her efforts to address the growing unemployment and poverty situation, and with the support of the UNDP and the ILO launched GAMJOBS to operationalise the National Employment Policy and the National Employment Action Plan. According to reports, the objective is to give effect to the development of a skilled, versatile, dynamic and effective workforce thereby creating self-employment opportunities in both the formal and informal economy within the context of Vision 2020, the PRSP and the MDGs.

The objective is to provide policy perspectives to enhance national planning towards achieving national development aspirations through the development and implementation of pro-poor economic and sector policies and strategies as well as developing the capacity of labour forces to exploit economic opportunities accruing from growth.

Author: by Lamin M Dibba