Kuntaur Health Centre to start operation

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Honourable Malick Njie, the secretary of state for Health and Social Welfare has disclosed that Kuntaur Health Centre in the Central River Region is due to commence operation by the end of December, 2008.

The Health and Social Welfare secretary of state made this disclosure on Tuesday, at the National Assembly, in response to a question posed to him by Hon. Ebrima Manneh, National Assembly Member for Niani, on what were the plans of the department in completing the aforementioned Health Centre.

According to SOS Njie, works at the Health Centre were at an advance stage; and added that, the construction was projected for completion by the end of 2008. He informed members of the assembly that his department of state has also signed a contract for the delivery and installation of medical equipment for the health centre.

"It is envisaged that the Kuntaur Health Centre would be completed, equipped and operational by the end of December, 2008." he assured the law makers.

Author: by Hatab Fadera