Bronchopneumonia patient needs fianancial assistance

Thursday, March 6, 2008
Maimuna Sey, age 4, resident in Latrikunda Sabaji is still in need of financial assistance to proceed to overseas for a timely reconstructive cardiac surgery following a medical report since February 2007.

According to a medical report from the Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital, Maimuna Sey was aged 25 weeks when she was first admitted to the hospital for a bronchopneumonia and has been known since birth to be feeding poorly, tires very easily and sweats a lot while breastfeeding with poor weight gain and recurrent coughing and respiratory difficulty. The report added that Maimuna was never cynaotic and does not usually squat and was found to be underweight, though otherwise well and active, not pale and had no digital clubbing.

“The respiratory rate was 42 cycles per minute with some bilateral coarse crepitations. The pulse rate was 120 beats per minute and the first and second heart sounds were heard with a grade 3 to 6 and there was no radio-femoral delay and other systematic examinations were unremarkabel.A tentaive diagnosis of an acynotic congenital structural cardiac defect likely a ventricular septal defect was made and this was confirmed by an echocardiography done independently by the Paediatricians and Radiologists at the RVTH, Medical Research Council and at the Lamtoro Medical Center showing a ventricular septal defect. She has been at paediatric cardiology clinic of the RVTH and MRC and has been on oral frusenude” the report indicated.

The RVTH medical board then stated that given that extended cardiac surgical services is not available in the sub-region and the worthwhile favourable outcome, it recommended that Maimuna Sey proceeds for overseas for a timely reconstructive cardiac surgery to prevent a progression to complications such as irreversible pulmonary hypertension and sudden death.

Any individual, association, institutions or philanthropist wishing to assist Maimuna Sey financially can contact Malick Sey, the father on 9743047 or 7784854 or Astou Cham, mother on 9998030 or 4395919.

Author: by Alhagie Jobe