MCF, MWT Bringing Benefits of Tourism to Locals

Friday, November 10, 2006
Tourism is one of the sectors of the Gambian economy which does not only serve as a source of foreign exchange but more significantly, employment. The tourism sector is directly or indirectly an employer of an inestimable number of both Gambians and non-citizens.

Indeed, it could be said with ease and without fear of contradiction that tourism is to The Gambia as the goose that lays the golden egg is to the owner.

It is in recognition of this incontrovertible truth that Makasutu Cultural Forest (MCF) in conjunction with it’s sister NGO, Makasutu Wildlife Trust (MWT), is showing no sign of cessation in their efforts to bring the benefits of tourism to the living rooms of the local people through community and eco-tourism.

The sister NGOs intend to create economic opportunities for communities living adjacent to their reserves, demonstrating that eco-tourism engenders rural wealth creation through small business spin-offs, employment and training.
MCF and MWT would do this whilst at the same time promoting eco-tourism as a viable option for sustainable development by establishing state and private enterprise partnerships as a model for conservation area management and development.

In an interview with our very own Momodou B.O. Bojang, the Marketing Manager of Makasutu Cultural Forest, Sukai Jobe, said the objective of Makasutu is to promote sustainable tourism in The Gambia by working hand in hand with local people to promote their environment and rich cultural heritage while at the same time allowing visiting tourists to enjoy the Gambian cultures and wildlife in a non- environmentally harmful way.
Source: The Point
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