Amdalaye security officers dismissed

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Unimpeachable sources have told the Daily Observer that security officers who were posted at the Amdalaye Border in North Bank Region, have been handed their marching orders with immediate effect.

This development was apparently aroused by the recent escape of Charlie Northfield, the managing director of Carnegie Minerals Company Gambia Ltd, who was standing trial for illegally exporting some invaluable minerals.

Sources also informed the Daily Observer that the sacked security officers included officers from the National Intelligence Agency (NIA), the Gambia Police Force (GPF), National Drug Enforcement Agency (NDEA), Customs and the Immigration Department.

Meanwhile a hybrid of officers from different national security apparatuses have been deployed to the Amdalaye Border to take charge of security there. However, the Daily Observer was informed that investigations into the escape of Mr Northfield were ongoing.

Media reports revealed that Mr Charlie Northfield, a British mining engineer, arrived in the UK on September 2.

Author: by Assan Sallah