The Catholic Diocese Of Banjul Diocesan Assembly 2008 Commiunique

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
In a bid to become self –reliant, the Catholic Mission gathered on a four day Diocesan Assembly to work out modalities recently. Reverend Father Daniel Kamara, from the Makeni Diocese of Sierra Leone moderated the whole programme and came up with tangible solutions as he quelled and put the meeting on track when things nearly went out of hand towards the Education sector of the Mission. The Communique explains the result and what is expected from members.

Preamble Inspired by The God Head - The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit We the Priests, Religious and Laity of the Catholic Diocese of Banjul under the Leadership of His Lordship Bishop Robert Patrick Ellison Cssp.

-Recalling that the First and Second Catholic Diocesan Assemblies held in 1985 and 1989.

-Considering the ensuing diocesan evaluation in 1995/1 996.

-Considering Diocesan Strategic Plan 2001-2010.

- Lamenting the lack of follow up action in some key areas.

Decided to hold the second Diocesan Assembly from the 30th March to 4th April 2008 at the Gambia Pastoral Institute under the theme - A Dynamic Self Reliant Church; developing a stronger sense of ownership of our local church Focusing on Evangelisation, Development and Finance;


Considering that Evangelisation is central to the mission of the Church we resolve that

-Evangelisation begins in our families and continues through our Parishes with the support of the Gambia Pastoral Institute.

- Holistic Catholic Education (doctrinal, moral and scriptural) be intensified in our institutions and religious formation houses.

i Social Communication

-The existing social communication unit of the Diocese be upgraded with the most modern communication technologies to accelerate propagation of the Catholic Faith, exchange of information and sharing of experiences.

ii Inter church/Inter faith dialogue

-Maintain and strengthen Inter church and inter faith dialogue.


Considering that the Church is an agent of transformation based on its social teachings we resolve that;

-The raison d’etre of the Catholic Diocese of Banjul is the holistic development of the human person through the Catholic Development Office CaDo.

I Education

-Pro active involvement of the Catholic Church in. quality education and continuous formation at all levels.

- Education begins at home but is a joint responsibility of parents, teachers and other stakeholders.

-The Catholic Education Secretariat be strengthened for better management of all Catholic educational institutions.

ii Health

- Increase the capacity for Health care services within the Diocese.


Considering the need for Accountability, Transparency and Stewardship in Diocesan and Parish Finances we resolve

-To rationalize all Diocesan assets and resources to ensure maximum yields.

-A complete inventory of all Diocesan physical assets be conducted regularly for management information purposes.

-The Catholic Diocese of Banjul work towards self-reliance by building reserves and wealth creation through self- sustaining income generating schemes.

- Institutionalise regular financial planning and reporting.

-Judicious use of the Financial resources

i Human resources .

-Harness the existing Catholic human capital in skills, expertise and nurturing the young talents for the future growth and development of the Church.


We acknowledge the goodwill messages from the Heads of other Christian Denominations, Donors and Partners, Diocesan Organisations within and abroad, for the material, financial and moral support, the Parishes for their invaluable input and the participants for their participation.

Done at the Gambia Pastoral Institute

Kairaba Avenue The Gambia.

On this 4th Day of April 2008

In the Year of our Lord

In the second year of the Episcopate of

His Lordship Bishop Robert Patrick Ellison CSSp.

Author: By Augustine Kanjia