Gambia Information

Thursday, January 31, 2008

On this website we are trying to give you some basic and general information about the country and encourage you to experience unforgettable moments in a beautiful, diverse, tropical and culturally-characterised country.

Traveling to a foreign country is exciting and challenging. What shall I bring? What is there to do? How is the health situation? Where and how can I change money? Will my mobile phone work? What are the customs and traditions in the country?

Those and many more questions are often asked before going on a trip.

Getting all the answers to those questions can be very time-consuming. We have tried to find the answers and hope you will find this website useful and informative.

We are a multi-national team based in the Gambia, trying to put our different thoughts, knowledge and experiences about Gambia together to give you updated and useful information in order to make your stay in Gambia as pleasant, safe and interesting as possible.

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