Thursday, October 9, 2008


A man named Messeng was one night riding a bicycle when be was attacked by a pack of hungry hyenas. So frightened was he that he accidentally fell into a ditch. Fortunately, his fingers touched the turning knob of his transistor radio set and tuned a radio station. The sound frightened the hungry beasts and they dispersed for a moment. Messeng, struggled to his feet, placed his bicycle on his head and picked up the radio and began to run as fast as his legs would take him. Though the weight of the bicycle reduced his speed, he was not prepared to leave the bicycle behind. The hyenas resumed their attack before Messeng could do two hundred yards He changed his course and headed towards a huge anthill, fifty yards away, where the lion had his den. Roaring wildly, the lion came out after one of the hyenas. Offered a chance to escape, Messeng sought refuge in the lion's den. When the lion returned he found a bicycle blocking the entrance of his den and in the heart of the den was a man lying seemingly dead. Pushing the bicycle aside, the lion entered the den, stood over the man, and roared violently. Messeng almost melted with fear before the huge, hairy cat-like creature ready to do him harm. Moving like a flash of lightening, he knocked the side of the anthill with his head with such force that he was able to escape as the anthill suddenly collapsed on top of the lion. Messeng, on the other hand, had already made for the safety of his village, but without the bicycle.


(Ndaanan, Vol. 5, Issue 1&2, March/September, 1976, p. 18)

S. Sagnia was a final year student at Gambia High School