Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables

Thursday, October 9, 2008

About the Author

Mrs Adele Faye-Njie is a veteran home economist educator actively engaged in plying her craft to new heights. Her involvement in promoting and imparting culinary skills with emphasis on nutritional values in the sphere of indigenous dishes is widely known in both the formal and non-formal education sectors. Her career in teaching in both secondary and tertiary levels spans nearly three decades.

Her close involvement in the promotion of women issues, in particular those related to skills training and income-generation has resulted in her serving in various capacities on various bodies. Foremost among these are the National Women's Council, the National Council for Technical, Education and Vocational Training (NCTEVT) and the National Committee for Non-Formal Education on which she has served with distinction.

At present she is engaged in the running of a learning and income-generating centre for women. Her strong zeal for giving life-long skills to women affirms her conviction in taking concrete action to redress the gender bias handicap faced by women in general. In recognition of this, she was successfully nominated for the 1994 Woman in the Community Award sponsored by Soroptimists International, Banjul Branch.

The author's heightened sense of social responsibility has placed her in the forefront of indigenous pioneers. Through her dedication and dint of hard labour, she founded the St. Martha's Society (1973). It is today a cornerstone of Christian women's philanthropic activities within the catholic communion.

She is a prolific writer contributing articles and maintaining regular columns in local newspapers and journals to enhance greater appreciation of nutritional and dietary values. She is an authority in preservative methods of diverse local fruits and vegetables in season. Preservation of Fruit and Vegetables covers a wide range of these - demonstrating practical approaches to making a variety of preserved fruits and vegetables.